Promoting progress in metrology

We want to give great weight to metrological research and, in this way, contribute to measurements becoming ever more accurate in the future. With the Helmholtz Fund, we are making progress in precision metrology visible, we are discussing it and driving it forward. We bring experts from research and industry together in symposia, conferences and workshops and reward outstanding work, not least with the renowned Helmholtz Prize. We use metrology to measure everything, and we measure things every day: precise, reliable measurements based on units that have been agreed internationally provide the foundation for science, technology and the economy. Without these units, we would have no aerospace industries and no satnav services. It would barely be possible to manufacture high-quality products with any degree of efficiency if we didn't have them. Precision measurements are necessary for transportable commodities like gas, water and electricity to be invoiced exactly. They mean that we know exactly how much petrol we have filled into our cars at a petrol station and that we can trust the results of a blood test we've had at the doctor’s. In short: new precision measurements and innovative measurement procedures are helping to improve the quality of life and the world of work. And they often lead to new insights, repeatedly making it a little easier for us to understand the world. 

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[Translate to Englisch:]
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Braunschweig
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Berlin

Unsere Mission

Messtechnischen Fortschritt fördern

Wir wollen einen wichtigen gesellschaftlichen Beitrag leisten, in dem wir die Metrologie immer weiter voran bringen. Dazu fördern wir eine enge Zusammenarbeit von Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft und setzen mit Preisen und Prämien Maßstäbe für die Metrologie von morgen.

Weitere Informationen

Unser Namensgeber

Hermann von Helmholtz

Hermann von Helmholtz war ein Forscher von Weltruf und prägte die Wissenschaftskultur in Deutschland maßgeblich mit. Gemeinsam mit Werner von Siemens bereitete er die Gründung der PTB-Vorgängerorganisation Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt vor und wurde ihr erster Präsident.

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